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Fig. 79 (abstract A77). | Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound

Fig. 79 (abstract A77).

From: 5th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound

Fig. 79 (abstract A77).

Contains the results from the LDPI studies at 7 weeks post surgical ligation of the external iliac artery demonstrating clear differenes in perfusion in the lower extremities for the saline control, pFUS and MSC alone groups versus the (pFUS + MSC)x3 group. Figure 79a is a graph of the ratio of measured perfusion in the ischemic limb/contralateral limb. The only group that showed an increase in perfusion starting 2 weeks after intervention with pFUS with our without MSC or MSC alone is the cohort of mice that received both treatments. The pFUS + MSCx3 group of mice had approximately 60 % recovery of perfusion to the hind limb compared to the other cohorts of animals. Figure 79b contains representative sections from the hamstring muscle stained for CD31+ endothelial cells (brown cells) clearly showing an increase in vascular density in the (pFUS + MSC)x3 group of mice compared to the other groups (Fig. 79c)

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